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Posted - 07/14/2016
Loss for Words - SF Gate
sf_gate.pngSF Gate picked up Faith Kearns interview with ITP Grant Partners Heidi Quante and Alicia Escott of the Bureau of Linguistical Reality.  The Bureau focuses on creating new language as an innovative way to better understand our rapidly changing world due to climate change.  Read the article here.

Posted - 07/07/2016
New Item Title
blr_logo_7a.jpgThe Bureau of Linguistical Reality, (a 2016 ITP Grant Partner), is excited to be doing an Artist in Residency at the Rockaway Institute for Sustainable Environment (RISE) this September 16,17,18.   We will be bringing a mobile field study office to the Rockaways, New York, a community living on the frontlines of climate change, to collaborate with Rockaway Residents to create new words to express their feelings and experiences surrounding climate issues.  We are incredibly thankful for the Whitman Institute for making this collaboration possible.
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