California Institute for Rural Studies (CIRS): On Tap
two-part Pause to engage a conversation about new water management
practices as climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in the
San Joaquin Valley. The first phase of the Pause will be a two-day
retreat giving the collaborators time to develop the most thoughtful
& strategic approach for addressing the potentially polarizing
issues of water & climate change. The second pause will expand the
conversation to include 10-30 other Valley community members.
Janaki Jagannath is launching a new collaborative in the San Joaquin
Valley that brings together environmental justice groups to chart a vision of
sustainable agriculture in the region. Shifting farming practices towards
sustainability will involve water management practice changes. The Cal Ag Roots
project, led by Ildi Carlisle-Cummins, is focusing its 2016 story series on
farming innovations within immigrant communities in the Valley; we expect water
to play a key role in those stories. Nikiko Masumoto has been watching the
water table drop and the wells become unreliable on her family farm. The
drought has hastened her search—along with other small farmers in the
region—for even more sustainable water practices. At the Community Water
Center, Jenny Rempel is organizing rural, low-income, predominantly Latino
farmworker communities to advocate for access to dwindling supplies of safe
water. The partners in this grant are poised to spark dialogue about equity in
Valley water systems and raise critical questions about sustainable farming
Support from Invoking the Pause will give the group time together to be intentional in design and open to creative ideas that emerge from the collaboration.