Apply - Previously Funded ITP Grant Partners 

The Invoking The Pause program has shifted to an invitation-only process at this time

itplogol_2.png  offers 2 additional grant opportunities following the initial ITP grant.

"Seeding Possibilities"for individual GPs.

"Blossoming Possibilities":  for cross collaboration between GPs. 

*For 2021, given COVID-19 uncertainties, we have moved the application deadline dates for both opportunities to June 1, 2021.

The intent of these additional grants is two-fold:

  1. To build upon the seeded possibilities and momentum existing GPs have cultivated already and enable them to further develop their projects.
  2. To encourage cross pollination among the various GP projects.   

Grant Size:  Up to $10,000 is available for selected projects, to cover expenses directly related to the project as outlined in the grant proposal budget.  (Please note that due to the budget uncertainties brought on by COVID-19, awarded amounts are likely to be smaller than the $10,000 maximum grant award).

To be eligible: At least one person from your project needs to attend the ITP Summit in the fall.

Application Details
Please include the following:
  • Indicate which grant you are applying for
  • Name and contact information for each collaborator–please identify key contact person, email, mailing address and phone number
  • What do you hope to achieve
  • Synopsis of the proposed project idea and its desired impact
  • Statement about how your particular collaboration may leverage action on the issue
  • Logistics: location, time frame, structure and creative elements
  • Brief description of previous collaboration, if applicable
  • Budget
For collaborations not part of a recognized nonprofit, federal grant-making law requires that you obtain a fiscal sponsor.  Please provide a letter of support from this organization with your application.

Please submit your application to
Applicants will be notified of decision within 30 days from receipt of proposal.


Rev. 2/2/2021