Category - LandCore
Modified - 4/6/21 Interview with Aria McLauchlan of LandCore
Modified - 4/6/21 Interview with Aria McLauchlan of LandCore

By Lisa Micheli, ITP Advisory Committee
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While the COVID-19 pandemic prevented the group from coming
together in Colorado and Utah as they had originally planned, LandCore
was quick to adapt and created a series of online convenings that
enabled them to include more partners, and go further in depth via
conversations spaced out over the year, as opposed to over a few days.
They also made a special commitment to get to know each other in between
meetings, which deepened their relationships. Through these convenings,
they were able to develop key questions and clear models that will move
their soil health risk assessment work forward. New opportunities to
partner with the agricultural finance sector and federal insurers are
opening up, and there is increased political interest in soil health and
carbon management via agriculture. LandCore reports that the seed money
from Invoking the Pause allowed them to leverage 10x that amount
in additional grant funding, which has raised their ability to pursue
larger grants with other partners.