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Students at workshop

Eban Goodstein, director of C2C Fellows and the Bard Center for Environmental Policy writes about the recent regional training workshop at the University of Georgia Athens.


Eban Goodstein

In Early September, I was sitting hand-cuffed in the back of a police paddy-wagon with two-dozen other guys. Everybody was in a good mood. We had all just been arrested in front of the White House, as part of a large-scale, peaceful civil disobedience action in which, over the course of two-weeks, more than 1200 people were sent to the DC city jail…


Eban GoodsteinEban Goodstein is the Director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy and Executive Director of C2C and National Teach-In (a 2008 ITP Grant Partner). On November 18, 2010 he was  asked to participate in a press conference announcing a major new green initiative by General Motors.

Chevy’s $40 million project aims to reduce 8 million metric tons of carbon over the next few years through energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in communities across the country.
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