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HWL.pngITP Grant Partners Eve Mosher and Heidi Quante collaborated on HighWaterLine. HighWaterLine uses art and public performance to build community awareness around climate change.  Their newly developed Guide for Creative Community Engagement provides a roadmap for how you can use creativity to spur change in your local community.  Read more here
Screen_Shot_2013_11_14_at_12.30.08_PM.png Invoking the Pause Grant Partner, HighWaterLine, has traversed the ocean to the UK where it began its chalk line visual message of the potential risks of rising sea levels for two coastal towns. From September 9-21, 2014, residents from along 32 miles of waterfront in Bristol and Avon Mouth, UK will be drawing their HighWaterLine.  Read the article that ran in Guardian here.

And for more information on the drawing of the line, or to join in, visit the webpage or join the Facebook page.
Screen_Shot_2013_11_14_at_12.30.08_PM.pngClimate activist and Invoking the Pause Grant Partner Heidi Quante of HighWaterLine, takes the concepts from her first ITP grant project with collaborator and HighWaterLine New York artist Eve Mosher, to the next level with an ITP "Seeding Possibilities" grant. As a result, Heidi recounts the workshops she conducted in the UK:  

"Due to generous support from Invoking the Pause, I traveled to Bristol, England in the early part of 2014 to lead the first HighWaterLine | UK workshop.  In this workshop myself, Isobel Tarr (the on the ground Co-Coordinator for HighWaterLine | UK) and Alison Crowther (who has devoted over 20 years to working on climate change issues in the UK), led a 2 part workshop that brought together diverse community members in Bristol."  » Read More

Heidi Quante of HighWaterLine expresses the merits of 'the pause' at the 2013 ITP Grant Partner Gathering. Watch the video here.

HighWaterLine launches in Miami Beach November 13 & 14 and in Miami on November 17!  Participant Francine Madera writes in the HuffingtonPost about climate change impacts in Florida and the Resilient Miami movement. Where do you draw the line on this issue?

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ITP recently interviewed Grant Partner Heidi Quante of HighWaterLine.  In 2012, Heidi joined forces with artist and HighWaterLine New York creator Eve Mosher in hopes that by amplifying the original New York project concept they will help communities realize how climate change will personally impact their local area.

ITP:  You've been an activist on several different issues throughout your career. What sparked you to become involved with the HighWaterLine project, and how did your collaboration with Eve Mosher come about?

Heidi:  I had been working on environmental issues for over 14 years in different capacities. I'd done everything from lobbying in Washington, D.C. to working with grassroots environmental organizations overseas and domestically. What I heard constantly from all of these groups was their desire to go "beyond the choir". There was a shared recognition that it wasn't enough to have support from the people already on board, that reaching out to the general public was necessary for real social change to occur. Even though the groups had this recognition, I found that they kept using the same tactics.   » Read More

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