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GCAS_.jpgIn the spirit of aligning healthy ecological and human systems, Climate Solutions Group and Invoking the Pause (ITP) sponsored the Climate Summit Speaker Series at the Presidio Officers Club in San Francisco in conjunction with Governor Jerry Brown's September 2018, Global Climate Action Summit

Responses to the challenges of climate disruption must begin with imaginative changes in our agriculture and food production systems in order to align human practices with living ecological systems. Among the most enduring of human enterprises has been the cultivation of food through biological resources based on abundant and fertile soil, plentiful surface water and a balanced and healthy atmosphere. However, the predominant model we might label as "big ag," typically ignores ecological systems interactions and attempts to substitute human industrial inputs for natural dynamic processes.

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In the ongoing human response to the dynamic challenges of climate change, it is imperative that our initiatives be synchronous with living systems.   In the spirit of minimizing our impacts to the biosphere, reconsidered land management practices are vital.

ITP sponsored two workshops in 2016, which sought to positively affect the carbon cycle through the processing of organic wastes into compost that can be applied as a source of regenerative nutrients to working lands. 
The first workshop was held at the Presidio in San Francisco in May, the second in Sacramento in October.  Participants were members of a diverse and growing community of Californians who envision a series of critical systemic changes that converge towards a climate beneficial future. » Read More

Divest.jpgDetermining appropriate actions that can be taken to mitigate greenhouse gas creation from anthropogenic sources is a critical component of combating climate change.  Changing the human relationship with land stewardship protocols has high potential to make significant changes to and with our ongoing production of food and fibers.  There are many good people working on developing alternatives to the current status quo, which can point us in a new and more sustainable direction regarding agriculture and materials management.
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reinhard.jpgReinhard Hohlwein is an environmental scientist and consultant.
At the fall Invoking the Pause retreat in Sonoma, I had the great privilege and pleasure of being in the company of a group of exceptional and dedicated people who are bringing their creative best to the great challenge of our time. Being at the Westerbeke Ranch for the retreat was both invigorating and essential, because if you care about human response to the challenges of climate change, you not only want, but need to be in a place like this with people who are passionate, motivated, creative, still learning, still students. » Read More

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