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Posted - 03/02/2011
Britta Riley of WindowFarms — 2010 Convening Interview

Britta Vert
Britta Riley
of WindowFarms describes with lyrical prose her experience at the 2010 Grant Partner Convening of Invoking the Pause.

A paraphrased excerpt of her interview:  ”Being so focused on one’s work I haven’t had down time to process the full scope of the project. This convening was an opportunity to get in touch with our emotions. There is a lot of emotion that is driving our work and we don’t always get to acknowledge it.


Confidence has come out of these two days. The past two months I felt I was so far out of my comfort zone that I felt like I had surrendered to the project. This weekend was a culmination of the work and a time to understand how the big picture comes together.

“It feels amazing to know that there’s support for us. Being around other grant partners, people who are so in touch with their bodies, writers, artists… I have a new sense of beauty, color and texture from being here and hearing others’ experiences.

I am just really, really thankful.


Britta Riley of WindowFarms was a 2010 Invoking the Pause Grant Partner. She has co-founded and run 5 companies over the last 10 years. Her current company, was named one of the top 100 businesses to watch in 2010 by Entrepreneur Magazine. Windowfarms makes vertical hydroponic platforms for food growing in city windows in conjunction with a online citizen science web platform for with over 16,000 community members worldwide.
