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Posted - 05/25/2016
Impact Hours - Join the Conversation!
Human_Impacts_logo.jpgBuilding on the inspiring momentum that began at the 2015 Invoking the Pause Grant Partner Gathering and carried through to COP21 Paris, several ITP GPs and "Allies" decided to reconvene on a regular basis in a unique and creative way to continue the conversation. The partnering team of Tara DePorte of Human Impacts Institute, Mark Schapiro - Investigative Journalist, Reinhard Hohlwein - Environmental Consultant, Andy Behar - As You Sow, and Alicia Escott - Artist; decided on a series of online Google Hangout video chats. These chats - entitled Impacts Hour - will each be facilitated by a team partner and feature a different topic/theme with a special guest speaker. The first Impact Hour facilitated by Mark Schapiro and featuring author Espen Stoknes takes place on June 16th at 12pm EDT.  Visit Human Impacts Institute to see the full schedule and join the conversation.
