Posted - 04/11/2017 Impact Hours Series

The Human Impacts Institute is excited to invite you to join us for our 2017 Impact Hours series.
Thank you to Invoking the Pause, a small environmental grants program and the Brooklyn Art Library for their support of this series.
FREE Impact Hour: Communication that Counts
Thursday, May 11th, 2017, 12-1pm EDT
In-Person at the Brooklyn Art Library, Williamsburg NYC*
*Online participation link will be provided for online RSVPs
RSVP here: Impact Hours #1: Communication that Counts - Eventbrite
We want to know...What do we need to communicate in the age of “alternate facts”?
We’re going to learn…making it personal, words that work, tools for speaking up
Superpower you will develop….succinct and strong messaging
Invited Guests:
• CONFIRMED Artist: James Hannaham, Pen/Faulkner award-winning author of Delicious Foods, visual artist, and Associate Professor. Humanities & Media Studies at Pratt Institute
• Activist: Gypsy Guillén Kaiser, Director of Communications, International Women's Health Coalition
• Academic: Todd Gitlin, Professor & Chair, Ph.D. Program in Communications at Columbia’s School of Journalism
All events are free and open-to-the-public. Register to participate. Doors open at 11:30. FREE lunch will be provided.
FREE Impact Hour: Engagement Beyond the Choir
Thursday, June 8, 2017, 8:30-9:30am EDT
In-Person at the Brooklyn Art Library, Williamsburg NYC*
*Online participation link will be provided for online RSVPs
RSVP here: Impact Hours #2: Engagement Beyond the Choir - Eventbrite
We want to know...How do we get people more effectively involved in complex issues?
We’re going to learn…visual storytelling tricks, community organizing, arts and activism links
Superpower you will develop….fearlessness to inspire others
Invited Guests:
• CONFIRMED Artist: Christine Arroyo, Creative Director and MTV Music Video of the Year Award winner
• Activist: Nantasha Williams, National Organizer, Women’s March on Washington and Candidate, New York State Democratic Assembly
• Academic: Dipti Desai, Associate Professor of Art and Art Education, New York University
All events are free and open-to-the-public. Register to participate. Doors open at 8am. FREE breakfast will be provided.
FREE Impact Hour: Collaboration Across Borders
Thursday, July 13, 2017, 12-1pm EDT
In-Person at the Brooklyn Art Library, Williamsburg NYC*
*Online participation link will be provided for online RSVPs
RSVP here: Impact Hours #3: Collaboration Across Borders
We want to know…How do we build strong and respectful alliances?
We’re going to learn…systems thinking for partnership, group listening, movement history and makeup
Superpower you will develop….being an awesome ally
Invited Guests:
• CONFIRMED Artist: Karen Johnson, Researcher and Systems Designer, Openbox
• Activist: Nelini Stamp, organizer of #ResistTrumpTuesdays & National Membership Director, Working Families Party
• Academic: Chris Kennedy, PhD in Education and Cultural Studies from the University of North Carolina, Co-founder of Chance Ecologies and Weedy Resistance
All events are free and open-to-the-public. Register to participate. Doors open at 11:30. FREE lunch will be provided.
FREE Impact Hour: Sustaining Effective Action
Thursday, August 10, 2017, 8:30-9:30am EDT
In-Person at the Brooklyn Art Library, Williamsburg NYC*
*Online participation link will be provided for online RSVPs
RSVP here: Impact Hours #4: Sustaining Effective Action
We want to know…How do we decide what to do for max impact?
We’re going to learn…sparks for action, minimizing burnout, giving/doing like you
Superpower you will develop…prioritizing your actions for the long-term
Invited Guests:
• Artist: Kemi Ilesanmi, Executive Director, The Laundromat Project
• CONFIRMED Activist: Phil Aroneanu, Campaigns Director at Purpose and co-founder of
• Academic: Lukas Haynes, Executive Director, The David Rockefeller Fund or Chris Cardona, Program Officer for Philanthropy at Ford Foundation
All events are free and open-to-the-public. Register to participate. Doors open at 8am. FREE breakfast will be provided.
FREE Impact Hour: Understanding Our Impact
Thursday, September 14th, 2017, 12-1pm EDT
In-Person at the Brooklyn Art Library, Williamsburg NYC*
*Online participation link will be provided for online RSVPs
RSVP here: Impact Hours #5: Understanding Our Impact
We want to know…What tools do we need to see how we’re doing?
We’re going to learn…how to know you’re making a difference, taking it to the next level, diverse ways to support
Superpower you will develop….tracking and amplifying your impact
Invited Guests:
• Artist: Isobel Yeung, Correspondent and Producer for HBO's Emmy-winning documentary show, VICE
• Activist: Ezra Levin, President of the Board, Indivisible or Mark Connelly, Director of Online Campaigns,
• Academic: Sophia Catsambis, Professor of Sociology, Queens College, City University of New York
All events are free and open-to-the-public. Register to participate. Doors open at 11:30. FREE lunch will be provided.
- All
- #ZeroBy2050
- 10Power
- 350 Seattle
- 36.5
- ARC-KE:i
- Al Gore
- Alicia Escott
- American Resilience Project
- Anjali Nayar
- Anthony Myint
- As You Sow
- At the Water's Edge
- Bard Center for Environmental Policy
- Beka Economopoulos
- Biomimicry Collaborative
- Bioneers
- Black Permaculture Network
- Blossoming Possibilities
- Blue Heart Labs
- Bodhi Garrett
- Britta Riley
- Bureau of Linguistical Reality
- C2C(Change 2 Climate)
- COP21
- COP22
- California Foodways
- California Institute for Rural Studies
- Carbon Shock
- Casey Beck
- Catalogue of Extinct Experience
- Cathedral of St. John the Divine
- Center for Investigative Reporting
- Change the Bulb
- Chris Desser
- CityLab7
- Clean Energy Leadership Institute
- Climate Change
- Climate Science Alliance
- Climate Solutions Group
- CoClimate
- Convening 2010
- Coronavirus
- Council of Pronghorn
- Daily Acts
- Dancing Earth
- Dancing Without Borders
- Dr. Renee Lertzman
- Dream Rider Productions
- DreamRider Productions
- Duke University
- E2
- Earth Guardians
- Earthseed Consulting
- Eban Goodstein
- Eve Mosher
- Faith Kearns
- Gary Nabhan
- General
- Global Climate Action Summit
- Grant Partner Gathering
- Grant Partner Spotlight
- Grant Partners
- Grant Proposal Application
- Grants
- Happening
- Heidi Quante
- HighWaterLine
- Human Impacts Institute
- Impact Experience
- Impact Hours
- Invoking the Pause
- Joshua Fouts
- Kelly McVicker
- Kiss The Ground
- Libby Modern
- Lien Tran
- Lindley Mease
- Lisa Micheli
- Lisa Morehouse
- Magalie Bonneau
- Maggie Kaplan
- Mark Hertsgaard
- Mark Schapiro
- McDonalds
- Monica Wilson
- Morgan Curtis
- Natural History Museum
- Newsweek
- Nicole Heller
- Nicole Lederer
- Nina Simons
- Nina Wise
- Optimist Daily
- Pandora Thomas
- Paris COP21
- Pepperwood Preserve
- Peter Cunningham
- Planet Protector Academy
- Planet Protectors
- Post Pause
- Power Shift Network
- Presidio Graduate School
- Psych Alive
- Rainforest Connection
- Rebecca Patton
- Reinhard Hohlwein
- Rulan Tangen
- SPM3
- Sandra Kwak
- Sarah Cameron Sunde
- Science House Foundation
- Seeding Possibilities
- Seeds of Resistance
- Starbucks
- Stephen Antupit
- Sun Valley Forum
- SustainUS
- Taco Diplomacy
- Tara DePorte
- Tensorflow
- Terry Tempest Williams
- The Arctic Cycle
- The Natural History Museum
- The Optimist Daily
- The Organic Life
- The Perennial
- The Redford Center
- Topher White
- Transition US
- Trathen Heckman
- Tribal Changes App
- University of Miami
- Videos
- Village Green(er)
- Wildlife Conservation Network
- Windowfarms
- Winters Past
- Works on Water
- World Business Academy
- XSproject
- Xi Martinez
- Zero Foodprint
- invoking the Pause