Posted - 04/05/2016 Introducing the 2016 Invoking the Pause Grant Partners

Our primary guidepost in making our selections is to support groups that demonstrate the potential to advance public awareness and engagement about climate change issues. We seek to fund new & emerging collaborations that might not otherwise find a foothold in the traditional climate change landscape. Because many of these projects are new collaborations, we are taking risks on new ideas that may not have a proven track record, but that excite us with their innovation and potential for impact.
This year, we selected the following nine projects to receive Invoking the Pause support:
An Invoking the Pause grant will allow the team of Sandra Kwak, CEO and Founder of 10Power, and solar explorations expert Sofi Hoysal to travel to Haiti to engage in community service work with various grassroots organizations, in addition to solar installation projects.
Agile Resilient Communities (ARC) & Knowledge Ecology:interface (KE:i)
The two programs will participate in a 2.5 day retreat in the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area to engage a diverse group of 10-15 visionary people in developing programs to promote community resilience in the face of climate change.
Blue Heart Labs
The duo of Lindley Mease and Theo Gibbs-Plessl (both teachers & researchers at Stanford University) will use the Invoking the Pause grant to explore, map and develop practical solutions to the challenges of climate displacement, particularly in the developing world.
Change the Bulb
Change the Bulb will take a Pause to develop a plan for switching public schools to LED lighting, reducing school expenses and carbon emissions while spreading awareness of climate change and energy efficiency to students, parents, and the media.
California Institute for Rural Studies
A team of collaborators (all of whom work with water in different ways) will take a two-part Pause to open up an urgently needed conversation about mitigation of and adaptations to climate change in the San Joaquin Valley, with a goal of bringing together diverse groups of people who might not agree on the severity or causes of climate change itself.
Dancing Without Borders
A Pause grant will support a gathering of Dancing Without Borders' circle of trusted allies to develop a plan for using art, facilitation & storytelling to amplify the success of the Sierra Club's 'Ready for 100' campaign.
DreamRider Productions/Planet Protector Academy
The collaborators involved with the Planet Protector Academy will use a Pause to allow them to reflect on lessons learned during their climate action training program, Keep Cool, a digital program that motivates elementary school children to change their families' behaviors around climate impacts.
ORCA will convene a diverse group of scientists, educators, artists, students and advocates in The Island School at Cape Eleuthera, Bahamas to develop a plan for establishing environmental observatories in four different ecosystems on and around the island.
In addition, we are excited to continue the momentum with these projects.SustainUS
A group of 17 youth activists and climate justice leaders from SustainUS, who collaborated as U.S. youth delgates at COP21 in Paris, will take a two-week "Pause" to enable them to reconvene, reflect and plan the next steps of their shared journey towards a decarbonized U.S. economy by mid-century which they are calling "Zero by 2050".
We are honored to be partnering with such an impressive group of individuals and organizations using creative approaches for addressing climate change. Stay tuned to the Invoking the Pause blog for news on each of these projects as the year progresses.
- All
- #ZeroBy2050
- 10Power
- 350 Seattle
- 36.5
- ARC-KE:i
- Al Gore
- Alicia Escott
- American Resilience Project
- Anjali Nayar
- Anthony Myint
- As You Sow
- At the Water's Edge
- Bard Center for Environmental Policy
- Beka Economopoulos
- Biomimicry Collaborative
- Bioneers
- Black Permaculture Network
- Blossoming Possibilities
- Blue Heart Labs
- Bodhi Garrett
- Britta Riley
- Bureau of Linguistical Reality
- C2C(Change 2 Climate)
- COP21
- COP22
- California Foodways
- California Institute for Rural Studies
- Carbon Shock
- Casey Beck
- Catalogue of Extinct Experience
- Cathedral of St. John the Divine
- Center for Investigative Reporting
- Change the Bulb
- Chris Desser
- CityLab7
- Clean Energy Leadership Institute
- Climate Change
- Climate Science Alliance
- Climate Solutions Group
- CoClimate
- Convening 2010
- Coronavirus
- Council of Pronghorn
- Daily Acts
- Dancing Earth
- Dancing Without Borders
- Dr. Renee Lertzman
- Dream Rider Productions
- DreamRider Productions
- Duke University
- E2
- Earth Guardians
- Earthseed Consulting
- Eban Goodstein
- Eve Mosher
- Faith Kearns
- Gary Nabhan
- General
- Global Climate Action Summit
- Grant Partner Gathering
- Grant Partner Spotlight
- Grant Partners
- Grant Proposal Application
- Grants
- Happening
- Heidi Quante
- HighWaterLine
- Human Impacts Institute
- Impact Experience
- Impact Hours
- Invoking the Pause
- Joshua Fouts
- Kelly McVicker
- Kiss The Ground
- Libby Modern
- Lien Tran
- Lindley Mease
- Lisa Micheli
- Lisa Morehouse
- Magalie Bonneau
- Maggie Kaplan
- Mark Hertsgaard
- Mark Schapiro
- McDonalds
- Monica Wilson
- Morgan Curtis
- Natural History Museum
- Newsweek
- Nicole Heller
- Nicole Lederer
- Nina Simons
- Nina Wise
- Optimist Daily
- Pandora Thomas
- Paris COP21
- Pepperwood Preserve
- Peter Cunningham
- Planet Protector Academy
- Planet Protectors
- Post Pause
- Power Shift Network
- Presidio Graduate School
- Psych Alive
- Rainforest Connection
- Rebecca Patton
- Reinhard Hohlwein
- Rulan Tangen
- SPM3
- Sandra Kwak
- Sarah Cameron Sunde
- Science House Foundation
- Seeding Possibilities
- Seeds of Resistance
- Starbucks
- Stephen Antupit
- Sun Valley Forum
- SustainUS
- Taco Diplomacy
- Tara DePorte
- Tensorflow
- Terry Tempest Williams
- The Arctic Cycle
- The Natural History Museum
- The Optimist Daily
- The Organic Life
- The Perennial
- The Redford Center
- Topher White
- Transition US
- Trathen Heckman
- Tribal Changes App
- University of Miami
- Videos
- Village Green(er)
- Wildlife Conservation Network
- Windowfarms
- Winters Past
- Works on Water
- World Business Academy
- XSproject
- Xi Martinez
- Zero Foodprint
- invoking the Pause