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Posted - 06/06/2019
neighboring|towns By Heather Clark
Former ITP Grant Partner Heather Theresa Clark along with collaborator Pauline Jennings, have a new exhibit on display at Hamilton Gallery in Washington DC: n e i g h b o r i n g | t o w n s. It is an immersive four-channel video and sound installation about borders, restriction of movement, and family/community life.  Its subject is Derby Line, Vermont and Stanstead, Quebec, two rural towns that are divided by the US/Canadian border.   This small community has recently become better known, because immigrants affected by the US travel ban are reuniting with family members at its library.   The library, uniquely situated in both the US and Canada, is one of the few places on the continent where those living in the US with visas that do not allow return-entry, can reunite with family members who are not allowed to enter the US, because they are citizens of countries on the US travel ban list.  Learn more here.
