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Joshua Fouts update us on the latest with his 2013 project to develop a climate change educational iPhone app.  In more recent news, Invoking the Pause has just recently awarded sisters Erica and Elaine Paiva a 2014 grant to continue to develop this app and take it to the next level. » Read More

Posted - 02/25/2014
Winters Past Featured on Grist
Winterspast.png Isaac Kestenbaum and Josie Holtzman, the team behind Winters Past, bring the sounds of a changing winter season to life with their series of podcasts.  Their distinctive "soundwalks" were recently experienced on Grist, an environmental blog site with a goal to get people talking, thinking and taking action. Read the article here.

image001.jpg 2014 has barely begun, and already it’s full of excitement for Invoking the Pause and our community of partners! We received 36 applications for grants—32 for Invoking the Pause grants from first-time applicants, and four from previous grant partners taking their collaborations in new directions via the Seeding Possibilities program.

This year’s pool brings a diverse blend of people from a multitude of backgrounds: academics, artists, scientists, journalists, students, photographers and healthcare workers are all in the mix. » Read More

Winterspast.pngThe next in the series of experiential audio pieces from Winters Past: Iceboxes and Endless Chains....

Posted - 02/18/2014
The Organic Life: A Sneak Preview
1025315_445258598903085_1017561577_o_1.jpgIt was my absolute pleasure recently to get a sneak peak showing of ITP Grant Partner and documentary filmmaker Casey Beck's enchanting film, The Organic Life.  The film chronicles a year in the life of a hopeful organic farmer and his skeptical girlfriend and reveals that a changing climate, financial insecurity, demanding physical labor, and corporate agriculture threaten the sustainability of one of the world's most traditional livelihoods in modern-day America. » Read More

look_back_forward_shot_1x.jpgIt's now been a few months since our October 2013 Grant Partner ("GP") Gathering and I've had a chance to reflect further on some of the themes that emerged from our day together.

These should not be surprising to anyone who has worked with nonprofit organizations, especially grass-root efforts.  The challenges and the tensions are somewhat universal for early stages of organizational growth and development for many activists, artists and other nonprofits as they struggle to "professionalize" their approaches and articulate their relevance to audiences more comfortable with hard data. » Read More

Winterspast.png An ice yacht is a sailboat on skates that travels 80 miles per hour. They were once the fastest vehicles on the planet.  Winters Past is a project that collects stories of the way that winters used to be, and brings these stories to life with audio soundwalks—meaning they should be heard outside, while walking. Read the full article here.

spot_light_hi.png TOL_TitleMark_1.pngITP Grant Partner and film-maker Casey Beck recently shared her journey in the making of her documentary film, The Organic Life:

How was your 1st ITP ‘pause’ grant instrumental in completing your documentary film, The Organic Life, and what transpired during your second "Seeding Possibilities" grant?
The Pause helped me and the The Organic Life (TOL) team formulate and decide upon the story.  When I started this project, the idea was just to film my boyfriend Austin, an organic farmer, for a year; and then, the story went through a couple of iterations. » Read More

Invoking the Pause is so proud that one of our recent Grant Partners, Joshua S. Fouts, has been selected as the new Executive Director of Bioneers, an organization with whom we share great kinship.

Due to his Invoking the Pause grants, Joshua met with the Ashaninka people, a tribe of indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon, conducting research to build an app about the impact of climate disruption.  This project helped cement his relationship with Bioneers. » Read More
